Family Constellations

con Somatic Experience en Madrid

  • Group sessions
  • Individual sessions

In the group session we are all participants, there are observer participants and those who carry out their constellation.

At the time of registration you have the option to sign up to constellate, having your constellation guaranteed.  Or you can register as a representative – participant which implies participating without constellation.

The person who signs up to constellate will have a short interview with the therapist, Satyarthi. It is not necessary to present your case to Satyarthi before attending the workshop, nor is it necessary to present too much information to the group about the issue to be worked on.

The person who participates as a representative, be an observer or participant in the constellation, you may notice that your own themes overlap with those of the person you are representing. This can provide essential understandings for yourself, and can even provoke important internal movements in the management of your life.

In some workshops there are also students in training, who learn about family constellations, which enriches the quality of the work, given their experience as representatives.

Our constellation workshops are a space for enrichment para todos, and in which respect for what happens is maximum, and everything that happens stays in the room, being important for the privacy of each person.

Group sessions 2024

Friday, January 12th

Friday, February 16th

Friday, March 15th

Friday, April 19th

Friday, May 24th

viernes 21 de junio

Friday, July 5th

Friday, September 20th

Friday, October 11th

sábado 14 y domingo 15 de diciembre

Group session details


Centro Arati c/ ferrocarril, 22 bajos – 28012 Madrid


Friday from 16h to 20h.

Fin de semana: sábado de 10h a 14h y de 15.30h a 18h y domingo de 10h a 14h


Viernes tarde > 25€ participación/representante   –  110€ constelación con participación incluida

Fin de semana > 40€ participación/ representante  –  130€ constelación con participación incluida


Ask us or reserve a place

Teba Fernández

Organiser of workshops and retreats in Madrid and Murcia.

The individual session is open to the person that has a certain respect for carrying out their constellation in a group, as well as for those who want to have a personalized follow-up in their personal process.

We use the background of Family Constellations, Somatic Experience and the different attachment styles according to John Bowlby.

In the session there is only the person interested in exploring his or her topic, and the facilitator, Satyarthi.

Online and face-to-face


Individual sessions 2022

Ask us

Individual session details


Centro Yogaes c/ de Juan Álvarez Mendizábal, 65, 28008 Madrid


To be agreed upon

Oscillate between 1h and 1.30h


€95 individual face-to-face session / €90 online

€150 online or face-to-face couples session

(price excluding VAT)

Ask us or reserve a place

Teba Fernández

Organiser of workshops and retreats in Madrid and Murcia.

Al contactar indica si quieres hacer una constelación individual o en pareja.