Satyarthi currently resides in Barcelona. In 1998 she facilitated her first family constellation workshops in Germany, and later in the year 2000 she came to Spain where she has been giving workshops and training cycles on family constellations. She trained her in systemic therapy with Bert Hellinger, Gunther Weber, J. Scheider, and Hunter Beaumont. In this field, she has specialized in couple relationships and professional-business success.
Trained in Somatic Experience, trauma therapy (Dr. Peter Levine) at Uta Akedemie in Cologne - Germany, where he is part of the therapeutic team.
His beginnings in the therapeutic world were in 1974 with bioenergetic therapy. He participated in primary therapies, meditation fields and different mindfulness techniques in the Osho commune, in India, where he lived for more than 12 years and where he created the Institute of Ergonomics and Resonance (W. Reich)
After Osho's death he moved to Los Angeles where he worked with Trance and Hypnosis techniques at the Utsava Institute. He conducted shamanism camps facilitated by Patrice Malidoma. Before returning to Europe in the late 1990s, he lived in Brazil where he facilitated shamanism groups, and learned permaculture.
Works in English, German and Spanish.